Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

In my classroom

If I were to use a blog in my classroom, I would use it to keep the parents involved in what projects the class is doing. I would post pictures of the student's projects and any activities that we do as a class. I would keep the parents updated on any upcoming field tips or activities that the parents would need to know about. I would send a link to the parents at the beginning of the year with the emails that they provide.


Sunday, February 24, 2013

My classroom

When I have my own classroom I would really like to teach in third or fourth grade. Would working in one of these grade levels be ideal, absolutely, but I am not going to be picky. Now a days, a job is a job and I just want to be there for the kids and do my best to help them learn. For the subjects that I would want to focus on I would pick math for myself because it comes easier to me, but what is really important in schools today is the reading, writing and math. Although the students are still learning about social studies and science they are just not getting as much. I feel it is important to focus on all of them but there is no doubt about it that you are going to have to focus your attention more on what the students are having trouble learning and a lot of the time that is the math, reading and writing.
 Why do I want to be a teacher seems to be a question that many people are asking me lately, so the answer comes easy to me and I enjoy answering it. I obviously do not want to be a teacher for the money but it is very important to me to help students to the best of my ability. Students spend more time at school then they do with their parents at home and to have a good learning environment for the students to feel safe and welcome. I want my students to walk in the door and want to sit down and learn. I do not want my students to dread coming into school everyday.
 I am so excited to be so close to finishing school and to see the end in site. : )

Hannah Thacker